Up to London

Up sleepily to the Smoke this morning, working on the business book on my laptop and sipping tea from my flask. Feeling less sore throaty and wussy this morning. A pleasant day at work, doing some interesting work before galloping back to St Pancras and home to Brighton listening to a podcast.

Lorraine meanwhile had broken off from work this afternoon, grabbed Dawn and had been doing wedding business. They looked at the room in the Pavilion that we might use, and discussed available days with the registry office, and popped back to the venue we looked at for afterwards. It seems October 26th is all but in the bag, will confirm things shortly. I'm excited. Although it has to be said that the Kenny coffers are squirming with apprehension.

Arrived home shortly before 8.00pm and lorraine and I made steamed veg, fish and brown rice. I like these nights, although Lorraine is tetchy on her low calorie days and has to be handled carefully.

Thinking of planning an intervention, gathering close friends and family to confront Lorraine with her Candy Crush habit. She claims her Candy Crush habit is completely under control, but I have my doubts. I play a bit, but I can handle it.

Below one of those things downloaded from the Internet that aptly describe the creative process within an agency. On the wall of the agency I am working at.
