A gnostic giraffe

Up with the larks this morning, or more accurately with the infernal Calliope who, because it is light, is waking me earlier each morning.

A day writing the copy for an agency's own website. An interesting job, and a new client for me. The agency in question seem to have a clear idea of what they want to say, and I was instructed to dial down 'the agency bollocks'. Most refreshing.

This took up the day, with pauses for conversation with the ever-bouncy Max about weddings and also about Skiddadle, a giraffe that little Elijah left here after a party once, and wasn't found until discovered recently wedged behind a wardrobe, near some Aramaic scrolls. I intend to send it back to Elijah with an account of its travels. Also talked to Bob, who was loping through Manchester on the way to train people in legal software.

When Lorraine got home we stole away to the Shahi for a cheeky bite, as working up in the warm study on website copy had produced a keen need for a pint of lager and spiced food. One of our two favourite waiters, handed Lorraine his card with his PhD on it, and his job title as anaerobic digestion specialist. A job title you don't see every day, as he works in sustainable technology.

Betty popped back to stay this evening having gone to bingo with Laura.
