Looking from a Surreal Corner

Sunny and warm today, Lorraine, Beth and I caught a bus into town. I went off on my own, and walking along New Road and standing in the Pavilion Gardens after a haircut,  suddenly felt more cheery than I can remember feeling in some time. Popped into the Marwood Cafe and read some poetry there while sipping black coffee. John McCullough's new book, in which there is lots to admire. Then The Interpreter's House, which I have just subscribed to and has a positive review of The Nightwork in it plus poems by Robin, Sarah and Siegfried and a nice review of Robin's pamphlet too.

Beth and Lorraine joined me in there as they had been shopping, mainly for Beth's upcoming holiday in Portugal with her dad's family. Then, as summer seems to have started, we bought some delicious ice creams from Boho Gelato and sat briefly in the Pavilion Gardens to eat them before bussing home.

Home, later and everyone fell asleep due to various sore throats, colds and so on. Lorraine and I had a happy night in watching the second Hobbit film and drinking a couple of restorative gin and tonics. Seeing these Hobbit films the second time around is much more enjoyable for some reason.

A glance at the Pavilion Gardens, and the interior of the Marwood Cafe. I was told that the corner I sat in was called The Surreal Corner, the slightly surreal paintings in the corner not pictured as I was facing out from it (for once).
