At my desk

A poor night's sleep and Lorraine up at a woeful 6:10. The lovely woman brought me a cup of tea before she left for work and I struggled up soon after.

A residual start of year anxiety. I don't know why. I managed to spend most to the day filing, and contacting the accountant's office and paying tax, and I wrote to Tracey.  Also looked at a poem I was tinkering with before Christmas and decided it was poor. This at least saves time.

I walked to the gym at lunchtime, and spoke to mum while on the cross trainer. Stopped after half an hour feeling half dead, and walked home again rather slowly.

Tinkered with bits of work, watched part of a Beckett play, Endgame, on YouTube. Spoke to Mum, cooked spaghetti and got food ready for Lorraine when she came home, having survived the day. One of her colleagues had lots of chocolate given to her for Christmas, and she took it home and  put it under the tree. Her dog then ate it all, and she then had to take it to the vets costing her well into three figures.

Beth home tonight after a week of travels. We watched Pride, a feel good movie about really sad things, the crushing of the miners, homophobia and the onset of the AIDs epidemic.

To bed earlier today.
