Capering at Moulin Huet

Gathered for our Full Guernsey Breakfasts this morning. Some of us, feeling wan and hungover, but a huge breakfast did a lot to help his. Then all off down to Moulin Huet, where the beach was empty and beautiful. The sea must have been rough lately as there was little sand, and rock structures under the sand were revealed. To Lorraine and my satisfaction, the others falling under its spell right away.  Beth and John scrambling up rocks and into caves, and Sam and Jade leaping towards the sea in a way that made me think of E.H. Shepard drawings for Winnie the Pooh. Jade re-emerging later with bright pink feet having zoomed into the water. Beth proud to have scaled some big rocks with John. I kept an eye on the turning tide having visions of them stranded there. I must be getting old.

After some time here, we walked back into St Martins to La Gran'mère du Chimquière. However there were two vans parked by it, and states workmen there packing up. Luckily the much missed Croix Guerin has closed, but been replaced by The Furze Oven, where we had a bite to eat (including of Beth her first piece of gâche and teas. Photos back with La Gran'mère later. The ladies wanted to return at this point. Jade to finish marking some papers, and Beth and Lorraine to hang out and for Beth to practice the script.

I took the boys on a supplementary walk, towards Jerbourg, but cutting back to the wishing pool where I made a wish, and John and Sam did too. Smiling inwardly that I had snuck a piece of magic into their day, we walked down the Water Lane which John fell in love with right away. Then we walked from Moulin Huet to Saints along the cliff path. Stopping at the bench above Saints Bay, which is dedicated to my great aunt Dolly where we basked in the afternoon sun and chatted. It was great fun. We found Beth and Lorraine basking in the garden and nursing a slow cold drink.

The Captains uncharacteristically unpleasant tonight. A man at the bar giving me a hostile look as I led the way in, and the service level poor. The manager spilled a beer over John as he was taking our plates away, and replaced it with a half for example and barely an apology. We left soon after and returned to the Barbarie, where we played cards in the bar. A new french woman at the bar who is warm friendly and welcoming and helping us put our tables together. A new receptionist too from Scotland, also warm and friendly.

Fairly early to bed, and a much needed snooze.

Below: Jade and Sam off to the sea, Beth and John mountaineering, folks with La Gran'mère, some of us on the beach, and Lorraine with her babies.
