An interlude with beermonsters

Up with Lorraine, then working quietly on the job from Paris, it's a branding job so there was a fair amount of mind mapping and thinking involved. In the 'd'oh typical' department was offered some work next week by Pat, but had to decline due to my school visits. The news dominated by coronavirus, making me wish, not for the first time, that I wasn't a hypochondriac.

In the evening I met beermonsters Steve and Nick in the Evening Star, and then we sauntered down to see Silvana and Richard playing as Bossa Love in the sparsely populated, slightly melancholy Dorset.  I suggested they need some portable lights as they were poked unlit in a dim corner. Toasted Glen's memory as it would have been his birthday today. Cheery talking to my pals though. Home for cheese on toast.
