A half term Friday

A few loose ends to sort out for The French Bloke's agency, then I did more on Grace 2. In the afternoon after chatting to Sonia, I sauntered into town and got my hair cut. Reassuringly pleasant chat in the barbers about beer and pies. From there I went to the Starbucks I often go to, to do a bit more work and to have a bit of a text back and forth with Craig whose health is suddenly of concern to friends.

Beth and I zoomed off to the Cleveland Arms all work having been done. Lorraine liked it lots once we were there. There were visible owner and it had a generally friendly vibe, including Stacy one of my barbers. Lots of dogs however, although this was a plus for Betty and Lorraine. It was Valentine's Day so it was hard to get food there, so we simply picked up a curry on the way home. Very happy that Lorraine was now on half term. A cheerful dinner at home and a party to look forward to tomorrow.

Below a seagull and a chip on a building site.
