Truthfulness and old friends

Listening to Knausgaard, which certainly passes the time. Really enjoying the truthfulness in his writing. It is one of those times when you read something at the right moment for you.

I obviously couldn't do any or my work as my MacBook Air is upside down at home drying out, its fate in the balance like the hanged man in the Tarot pack. Clearly I am over-attached to that laptop, but its potential demise simply makes everything difficult.

As the fates would have it Keith had been given one at work the previous day, so he had his own and the work one which he doesn't like. I was able to use the work one. We spent the day doing uninspiring things like seeking images on Getty.

Lunchtime we went to The Marquis Cornwallis where we bumped into Slug, and Karam and a couple of others creative chums. Had a single pint with them, then back to the office to brief an illustrator this afternoon.

After work, having left Keith to brief the illustrator again, I went back to the same pub for 20 mins, where I met old chums Pat, last seen when we flew down to Cornwall for Andy's funeral, John Perkins, a former close colleague, a lovely man with Jersey connections who I last worked with in Hammersmith ten years ago, plus Slug and Karam again. Great to see all of them, albeit briefly.

Zoomed off to the station, just making my train. Dropped my stuff off at home, and walked to the Preston Park Tavern on Havelock Road, enjoying seeing the sea on the horizon and feeling distinctly cheery. Met Lorraine and Betty in there and we had a couple of beers and some grub, before sloping off home.
