Fog dodgers

Lorraine and I basking in it being a Monday and simply sprawling in bed instead of zooming around.  Eventually we got up to eat kippers and go shopping. When we returned Pat and Maureen were waiting for us at home, having been dropped off by Pete. They were here to look after the cats, and also have a change of scene. Lorraine cooked delicious eccles cakes, which we all ate enthusiastically. I spoke to Mum on FaceTime too. Maureen heavily absorbed in the French Open Tennis tournament on TV.  Pat and Maureen certainly love their sports tournaments. Maureen showing us photos of their first great grandchild, called Finlay, who although I am no expert, is one of the better babies.

I made a hideously long list of things to be done on my return, which includes creating a campaign for A Glass of Nothing in Edinburgh, get all my accounts straight and send them to the accountant, finish the novel I was weeks away from finishing, send some blinking poetry manuscripts out, keep my business afloat, prepare for victory and another 18 or so things.  But focusing on the now... instead, and magically, Lorraine and I were packing instead, ready to go off to Guernsey in the morning. Yippee! Although slightly nervous, as Guernsey had been fog bound (a note from Richard) and when we went to bed there was thick fog outside in Brighton too. We are hoping to dodge the fog.
