A muse in the middle of the night

Woke up in the middle of the night and a poem was in my head, so much of it in fact and so pesteringly did it visit me, that I had to get up and write it down at my desk between 3:30 and 5:00. Eventually I crept back to bed, although Lorraine was awake when I got there. The poem is called How to poeticise with a hammer. Not sure if it is mad, or, if mad, interestingly mad.

A lunch meeting with Robin postponed. A chat with Mum this afternoon, who is looking forward to seeing Toby and Romy and having a break.

Up a bit sluggishly, after Lorraine had left for work,  and worked on it again. A quiet day, happily working on PK stuff at my desk. Broke off for a longish walk in the afternoon up on the top of the down we are on the side of, looking down to the sea. Bright and cool day. A slight haze draining the colours in the distance.

Home and I cooked for Lorraine and had an early night. But not before Beth had returned from her first burlesque class, as she is going to use some of these techniques in the play. I went to bed, looking forward to simply sleeping, and reading to Lorraine till she fell asleep.
