Drifting clarifier

Woke up convinced Lorraine preferred TV adventurer Bear Grylls to me after a vivid dream. The fact that L and I know little about him only added to the strangeness of this. 

Got to work accompanied by the screeching of bricks being cut in half under the infernal viaduct.

Spent the day working on revamping my personal website. My cyberpresence has been a long-running sore, unfocused and confusing. I realised this is because I am eclectic in what I do and this should be seen as the defining thing. I love Brian Eno's description of himself as 'a drifting clarifier'.

In the afternoon off to Marwood cafe to meet Anna for a long chat over coffee and a slice of cake each. Then home via Sainsbury's to cook a vegetarian chilli for Lorraine. Also prescribed chocolate for Lorraine.

Below: the rain continues unabashed. Quite like the murkiness this brings. Brighton is hilly, so the tops of streets disappear, and individual roofs penetrate into the mist as in the top left of the snap I took below.
