At large in London

Working on sepsis first thing this morning, then off to the gym for a fairly mild-mannered workout as I figured there may not be much chance to go much soon, as freelance work is stacking up in the weeks ahead. Hot there and sweating. Then home again to shower and change, then off to see Bob in London.

Arrived at Embankment station to a dark sky and thick drops of rain, which soon turned into an absolute downpour. As I cowered in the shelter to text Bob, I noticed I had a voicemail. Managed to arrange my colonoscopy for Saturday morning, as the thunder crackled overhead.

Eventually danced through the rain to meet Bob upstairs at the Chandos. Had a sensible drink there till the rain cleared and we went wandering about. Caught up on all the gossip and news. Had a good conversation about Brexit too, sharing the view that there is a lack of clarity about the debate. Nobody knows what will happen either way. Eventually we stopped at the pub near the poetry café, and as we were walking past them, I was able to enquire if the money I’d sent had arrived. it had, and I got to meet the people I’ve been corresponding with. Then Bob and I wandered about through Lincoln’s Inn Fields, New Square and Chancery feeling properly Dickensian. We stopped off at a pub called the Seven Stars, which had a great feel to it, and was an eyrie of legal types, decorated with posters of old English films starring people like James Robertson Justice, and little checked tablecloths.

After a good deal more wandering, we opted for a cheeky Nandos beloved of young folks (all Nandos have to be cheeky).  First time I’d had one for about twenty years. Tolerably good food. Then Bob and I parted at Embankment Statino. The longer I know people, the less I like saying goodbye to them.

Home listening to Villette, probably because I am reading it in short bursts seems to proceed at a glacial pace. Happy to be home, even though after a short chat with Beth made it upstairs as Lorraine had just gone to bed.

Below Lincoln's Inn and Old Buildings; inside The Seven Stars; Bob.
