Lorraine's birthday

Lorraine's birthday. Big kiss and cuddle for L this morning, and up early to feed the rampaging cats and make tea, before Lorraine after opening various cards and pressies made off to work. 

I spent the morning slightly disappointingly wading through a backlog of email and admin. Come lunchtime I felt a bit jaded, having had a terrible night's sleep. Had tom yum soup for lunch, and while slurping it down watched a TV documentary about rockpools made my Richard Fortey who wrote a book about Trilobites I had rather enjoyed. Off into the outside world, walking down London Road, which was being its usual conduit of all that's wretched, before strolling about in the North Laine. Also into Churchill Square to buy a species of Nerf blaster gun for Oskar, while talking to Anton on the phone. Also bought Lorriane a present connected to her new craze of embroidery.

Lorraine got home in good time and we made off into Brighton again, she signed on to another season with Hullabaloo Quire then we popped into the Basketmakers, where we saw Matt for an hour, before heading off to Chilli Pickle, for a birthday treat. Food there was absolutely delicious as usual. Very happy night chatting with my lovely Lorraine. 
