Getting organised

Feeling much better as the day wore on. An epic clearing of the decks today. After getting up and staring work at 7:30-ish I was finished writing poems at around 11.00 (I am working on a long poem, which in November I am going to send, with relentless logic) to the Long Poem Magazine.

Then, what to do? Brian Eno came to my rescue, if in doubt tidy up. My office was pristine by the end of the day. Not only everything filed in the office and in my computer, but loads of admin brought up to date, things thrown away every envelope open. Laundry done too, and my desk is a thing of beauty. Sonia was amazed. Plus I have freelance lined up for the week after I return from Guernsey.

The new Peter Kenny is fiercely organised, and loves tidiness.

Sonia she showed me a photograph of an elaborate loaf, decorated with flowers made from salt (if I understood her correctly). She told me that in Bulgaria there is a saying that 'Nobody is Bigger than Bread', which I really liked. She had baked the loaf to be used in a Bulgarian dance, where the loaf is passed between dancing ladies.

Thank goodness, it was the last day of Lorraine's half term today. She was home but happy. We snuck out, on my persuasion, to buy fish and chips, and Beth some fish and mushy peas.

In the evening, off to meet Steve Cartwright and Richard Gibson in the Evening Star, and quaff some good Dark Star beers. Great characters and lovely blokes both. Good to hear about Steve's life in Berlin in the seventies, and hear Richard's theories, and hear how the Sumerian Kyngs, and the Shakespeare Heptet are doing.
