
Lorraine and I having an incredibly lazy start to the day. Sat in bed writing poetry, and we read the Paper on our screens. But I did drag myself off to buy some bread for our breakfast. After breakfast, though, Lorraine and I simply went back to bed again and fell asleep till it was afternoon like the worst sort of teenagers.

In the afternoon Lorraine and I mooched about doing a spot of shopping for me.  I bought myself a dark blue shirt, and looked at trousers and shoes but nothing inspired me. I had a coffee with Lorraine, who then waited for Beth to finish work in town, and they did some extra shopping. I simply came home and listened to some music, and played my guitar for the first time in ages and felt rather mellow.

In the evening off to see Matt in the new flat he has with Reuben. Nice to see them in a pleasant flat with a garden near the groovily named Vogue Gyratory. A few drinks and a spot of beef curry with the boys, and listening to music and chatting. I like Reuben. A taxi home.
