Back at the Blacksmiths

Lorraine, Beth and I piled into the car and drove off to Ashford to see Pat and Maureen. A nice enough drive till Lorraine mentioned casually a few miles out of Ashford on the motorway that we might not have enough fuel to make it. We got petrol and made it.

Collected Pat and Maureen and then off to The Blacksmiths Arms for a Sunday lunch and a few pints of Otter beer. I like this pub, which has a traditional feel to it, and being Kent has dried hops here and there. Had a nice time chatting with Pat and Maureen. This is Pat's pub and he goes there every Friday to play darts with a crew of blokes of all ages, which is a nice thing.

Back home for fruitcake and cups of tea, and looking at a dozen or so photos of Maureen's family. I always like looking at family photos, and interesting to see one of Pat and Maureen in their younger days.

Home then and dropped Beth off to Hove and we had a quiet evening. The news from Paris ghastly and brutal. Found myself feeling a bit nauseated by Facebook and the way people appropriate misery to get attention. Discussed this with Lorraine, who looks on this in a far less curmudgeonly way of course.
