Editing in Canterbury

Up at six which was unsavoury. Off to Brighton station where I caught a train to Canterbury via Ashford. The Brighton to Ashford train full of school children. At one point I was surrounded by girls of what I guessed was about 15 making themselves up elaborately with powder brushes, lip gloss and so on looking at little compact mirrors and once done checking themselves in their phones. Made me laugh as these girls reminded me so much of the shattered looking commuters you see on the trains in the morning blearily applying their slap. Something to aspire to it seems.

Was collected by Brad at Canterbury West and driven to his home on Magnolia Drive. I'd never been to Canterbury before and we passed a bit of castle that Brad said looked as if it had been photoshopped in. Good to see Brad who I feel I have a bond with having survived the great Chad adventure with him. We sat in his study, while builders hammered, drilled and tore at things downstairs. Spent a fairly cheery day tweaking the script, recording a new guide voiceover and watching Brad expertly clip and tweak on the editing suite. Anna offered good advice.

Brad then drove me to the station and I had a fairly easy journey home, dozing tiredly on the train while listening to podcasts. Lorraine home a bit before me had baked potatoes, which was comforting. A baked potato is a pleasing thing.  Beth back tonight too from having stayed with Mum and Mas and being an extra on Holby City. Beth as usual very excitable about her birthday, which is tomorrow.

Below Brad  at the controls.
