Unexpected places

Almost noon when we got up. Then Lorraine and I galloped out into the cold to do a spot of gift shopping, drifting about in shops that I never seem to notice as I bowl through the North Laine. Food shopping of course. Back in the warm, reading the Nick Mason book whenever I could, a sort of comfort reading about the fallings-out of an ancient rock group.

Lurking with Betty and Lorraine in the evening, as they swooned over Ashley Banjo, leader of the dance troupe Diversity. And then Lorraine watching a programme about maternity nurses which featured the London Hospital, where she had worked as a young 'un and had been grabbed by the shoulder puffs on more than one occasion.

Below things in unexpected places. Graffiti featuring Stephen Hawking, and Calliope in one of Lorraine's drawers, which she opens and slips into unnoticed given half a chance.
