To Elstree

A sunny Friday and off to Elstree to see Mum and Mas. Managed to do a bit of writing on the upward journey. Pleasant walk from Elstree & Borehamwood station. Arrived at the Waggon and Horses a minute or so after Mam and Mas.  For Lunch I had two Guinnesses and grazed on grilled halloumi and falafels. A bit busier in the pub today, and the man with two dogs one came in and said hello  to Mum and Mas. Lots of people say hello to them. I can see why they love the place, despite the mans two dogs, one black and the other white, pleading for food under our table or growling nastily at a very placid bulldog.  Mum had an all day breakfast as she often does, and makes off with the sausages and bread to give to the foxes and birds. Mas enjoying his plate of hot and spicy wings. The Waggon and Horses is a timeless sort of place, and although a bit of a trek, a nice place to see Mum and Mas. 

Home listening to podcasts and so on. From Seaford station, where I arrived at 5:20 I made my way to The Old Boot Inn, where I met Steve for a  Friday night cheeky. Lorraine joined us later, having spent the afternoon with Beth, helping her get her pre-moving ducks in a row. Beth now feeling excited about moving.  Lorraine and I then mooched home, and ended up buying a portion of fish and chips, which we shared with one portion of mushy peas each. 

Home and Lorraine and I zoomed to the sofa to catch up on yesterday's Traitors episode before watching tonight's one. Fun stuff. Then, sloping off to bed tiredly.

Snap from a platform on East Croydon station.
