On the Waggon

 Sub zero overnight, but it was a sunny beautiful day. I went up to Elstree to see Mum and Mas, quite enjoying the ride and scribbling stuff in my notebook en route. Helped a man who was struggling with cases at St Pancras. Helping someone else even if it's only moving a couple of cases for a hundred yards or so for them, made me feel pleased afterwards. Helping a complete stranger feels good. 

Really enjoyed the walk to and from Elstree station to the Waggon and Horses. Mum and Mas there a minute or so before me sitting in their usual place by the fire. Mas seeming somewhat steadier than of late. Had a nice time with them, although cringing when Mas began talking to a table full of French people who could not speak English. Wendy still there, a lovely woman, who chats to Mum nicely. I had a glass of wine and some falafels and a few squid rings. 

I said goodbye at the pub, and mooched back to the station and then home on the trains. Although the journey is quite time consuming, it's not a bad journey.

Home and Lorraine had enjoyed seeing Dawn today, and also Chris had sorted out a bit of plumbing for us. 

Below Mum and Mas sitting by the fire after I told them to smile. And The Waggon and Horses as I approached it today. 
