Sunday a'peeling

A day when nothing much had to be done. More peeling wallpaper from the bathroom today, which was good. Amanda had told Lorraine the best way to do it was to strip off the top layer, and then went the underlayer. It simply peeled off without damaging the plaster. Next step is taping it up prior to painting it with undercoat.

No Laura, Braheem and baby today, as the wee thing is still ill. Emails with Charlotte today about her and SJB's the Understory Conversation. I am going to join if I can. 

Roast chicken dinner tonight. Happy to be in out of the cold tonight. Talked to the Tobster for quite a while this evening, who told me about their adventures in Japan, luckily on the opposite coast from earthquakes, tsunamis, and so on. He sent me a snap of him and Romy and Momoyo taken today. Watched Barbie the movie tonight, or I watched the first half and was so tired, at 9:45 that I simply went to bed. Lorraine followed shortly after.
