Orc lope

Another day working at home, which enabled Lorraine and I to have a lightning tidy up before the house photographer came around to snap the place in the teeming rain. If lightning can hobble that is.

Otherwise a day of grafting on a bazillion bits of copy, broken off by hobbling painfully to the quacks and arranging a blood test next week prior to a change of pills.  Glimpsed myself shambling to the desk on their CCTV system: a limping, hunched ancient fat man. Briefly sat in the waiting room next to a woman with a bottle of vodka projecting from her pocket.

I retreated soberly into listening to Mark Ellen's book Rock Stars Stole My Life! which I'd downloaded earlier in the day. Light, nicely written nostalgic treat for music lovers of a certain age. I once met Mark Ellen in a Chiswick swimming pool. He was every bit as pleasant and chatty as he seemed presenting the post-Whispering Bob The Old Grey Whistle Test.  His enthusiastic and self-depreciating style is endearing in print too.

Orc-lope home, and when Lorraine arrived we drove around to Janet and Ken, who is looking enormously improved, to pick up Mum's paintings, cat heads and so on. Didn't hang about as I had to buy rail tickets for my return to London tomorrow. After some sitting about with my lovely wife, early to bed.

Anton called today, he is about to embark on a reading of The Lord of The Rings to Oskar before bedtime. He's an exemplary Dad.
