Great strides

Remained firmly in bed this morning, unwilling to face the rigours of the world. Eventually we got up and sauntered around to Arkwrights and the flower shop in a fragrant middle class sort of way. Home for breakfast with Claudia, who spent the day with her leg elevated, after infecting her foot blister. Otherwise she seems happy, especially when given pieces of chocolate. We three sat about on the sofa looking at houses on the internet.

Then Lorraine and I left Claudia and went shopping. Primarily to buy several pairs of trousers for me. I found lots of pairs that fit me in Debenhams, which seems to cater for the larger gentleman. I say I found them, actually Lorraine zoomed around the shop harvesting trousers and the whole thing was done remarkably quickly. Before this I also impulsively bought a pair of shoes, blue suede brogues with yellow laces.

On the way home we stopped to have a drink and a catch up with Matt standing outside the Brighton Tavern in the sun. He has a frozen shoulder and winced when I gave him a manly squeeze hello. Nice to see him, and I enjoyed standing about in the sun with Lorraine and Matt and some friends of Matt, one of whom was a squished-face pug called Sefton.

Home via Sainsbury to Claudia, whose foot is looking much better after a day's rest. A quiet night in, Claudia showing me a Finnish reality TV show where two policemen go about their work, and nothing happens other than finding a drunk in the forest. Claudia is thinking about joining the army or the Police, but Finnish Policework looks too boring for her, she says they have to do things like shooting birds. Lorraine researching things for her about forensics courses, which she is interested about too.

Early to bed tonight. Am very tired and very run down. However I am able to walk again which is a boon. Just pleased to be able to spend time with my lovely wife and not have to travel anywhere.
