Bat out of limbo into a new house

Rapidly out of limbo. Our offer accepted on a house in Havelock Road, just five minutes walk from where we now live. So we have a buyer for our house and our house offer accepted. Rather wincing from the stamp duty on our purchase, but we are going full steam ahead and damning the torpedoes. Feeling excited in flashes.

Other good news was that Sam had got a first in his Philosophy degree at Leeds. He was also pictured in the philosophy brochure, with a full page of him and an article encouraging other students to study there. Lorraine naturally very proud of him and I am too. He has done splendidly.

Otherwise my bêtes noirs of gout and prostatitis combining to make me feel a bit wretched. But it will pass. I am caught in a Catch 22 as I need to be gout free for a few weeks to get onto the new, and much better, treatment. Yet another quiet night in behaving myself, when we should have been out celebrating.
