
Able to stand and walk a bit after a good night's sleep, so Lorraine drove me to the station, and I caught a bus from Victoria and gingerly made it to work. Although had a heart sinking moment when the queue for the bus I normally get stretched for 100 yards. Then after ten minutes painful standing, three came at once. I explained to Ed the nice guy I am working directly with, and Pat that I'd prefer to work from home for the next couple of days while the hobbling wears off, which they kindly agreed. And as chance would have it I have a big chunk of work on one job to do, so working from home is fine. When walking is difficult, it certainly makes you read the terrain differently, suddenly becoming grateful for not having to climb stairs, nor having to stand on the bus. A doctor's appointment for Wednesday.

Was very grateful to Lorraine who picked me up from the station, and generally looked after me despite having a tough day herself. Later heard that Pat's beloved motorbike had been stolen, chained up near work. Bastards.
