
Nice slow day with sunlight. Lorraine and I talking lots and going to Sainsbury's. It's strange but I really like shopping with Lorraine. I can torment her by forcing her to choose things quickly, and insist on pushing the trolly. Childish, I will admit, but fun.

A slow afternoon. I watched a little football on TV, before I sloped off into town to meet Lorraine and Rosie who were hanging out in the Lanes. Discussions with Rosie about brilliant business ideas. I suggested Vindaloo Venting, which is a business where you hire yourself out to be taken for a curry and act as a ventee, listening sympathetically to your client's furious venting. As the Vindaloo Venting entrepreneur you simply walk away after an hour or so with a full & firey belly and a crisp £20 note. You read it here first!

In the evening, I spoke to the Tobster in Toronto and discussed his plans for coming over in the summer. All good. And so to bed.
