Toy museum

Carrying on in much the same vein yesterday during the day, albeit more menaced at my desk by bored and puckish felines avoiding the cold outside.

Later I found myself in Brighton's Toy and Model Museum on Trafalgar Street. Having lived about 100 yards away from it for many years it was about time I popped in, now that I had moved further away. More Meccano sets, Hornby model railways and so on than you could shake a stick at. Was trying not to snicker at a Erector metal kit, and its accompanying magazine Erector Tips from I think 1919. Friendly enthusiasts running the place. Came away thinking about the imagined futures some of these toys portrayed.

Home and Mum had sent me some family history research gleaned by a distant relative. Turns out there is some Indian blood coursing through these veins. I like that idea. It makes me feel less vanilla.

Lorraine going off to work feeling ill, and home sounding hoarse and feeling rough. Poor thing.

Later I popped off to meet Glen 'Fingers' Capra, Richard, Steve, Tim and Claudius. Slipped Fingers a copy of the CD to which he had contributed some lovely playing. And generally shot the breeze about Glen's trip to snowy Sophia, and the post-Scriabinesque recordings he wants to make. Talked to Steve about the Sumerian Kyngs performance, Claudius about flute playing. All of us had a nice time.

Winter has woken from its mild slumbers and it is bitingly cold when the sun goes down and the wind gives you a good shanking.

Below some snaps from the Toy Museum. Well worth a visit.
