Turning pages

A happy day, moving books around, and putting some books onto our new Antonn shelving in downstairs, and rearranging the spare room. I also had a bit of a book cull, which is something I almost never do. But there are certain things, such as copies of old poetry magazines with none of my poems in that can happily go to the dustbin of history. This means that Lorraine and I have been able to organise the books better through the house. I am beginning to know where my stuff is now, and it is a good feeling.

Feeling very happy to be doing this with Lorraine. Simple things are great fun.

Off this evening to see Lorraine's pal Penny and her husband Steve just outside Horsham. A pleasant evening, though I felt self-conscious beginning to snuffle and cough again, and hoping I wasn't infecting them. They showed us photos of Victoria Falls, and wildlife in Botswana having been there a few weeks ago. It looked an amazing trip. Home under a getting quite full moon, which is apparently going to be a super moon when it fully waxes.
