
A bank holiday in France. A slow start to the day, and another saunter to Les Mages, with the idea of buying some mosquito spray, but the pharmacy was closed. Luckily we have are plug ins for the bedroom, so the atrocious insects are mainly confining their activities to poolside.

In the village we popped into the Tabac, where we ordered coffee, and got two thimbles of the mind altering strength brew. Then deux demis of beer as it was past midday. We sat in a little booth, with an extremely large stuffed boar’s head above Lorraine’s. It was slaughtered on 31st December 1959, coincidentally the year of the boar.

Came back home, had a spot of lunch and went down to the pool. Me wearing my complete anti mosquito gear apart from when swimming. I went for an explore down by the side of the river and fell down the bank. The water only an inch deep there, and very shallow with lots of what I think are trout in it. Then I returned to the pool, read a little, and so on.

We sauntered early back to the rooms, and cooked Toulouse sausages and potatoes fried with onions and garlic and salad. A fine repast with grapes and cheese afterwards. Listening to music.

More scrabble. Lorraine thinks she is turning me to become a gamer. Judicious quantities of wine. Then a look at what was on French TV in the evening. Death in Paradise spent an unfeasible amount of time trying to decide if it was dubbed or not.  Lorraine convinced that it wasn’t. Then a few more French people doing stuff in the Olympics apparently. Cheering the French on and feeling tremendously relaxed after several wines.

Below Lorraine overlooked, poolside, in the river.
