The destiny of Manifest

Up and at book, then off in this weird brightness to the gym. Felt a bit feeble after half an hour or rowing and trundling. Home and a Quorn sausage sandwich with mustard and onion. Later in the afternoon decided to reboot by listening to a meditation tape, and simply woke up an hour later remembering nothing.

Lorraine teaching governors till late. She phoned me on the way home having felt nauseous and dizzy while teaching, and got in very late to lie low. I shepherded her upstairs with a precautionary bucket under my arm.

Listened just after midnight to Amanda on New Zealand National radio talking about the launch of her new SchilMil game Manifest. She also had the opportunity to select 'the best song ever' which was, unsurprisingly, a Bob Dylan tune. Amazing to hear Amanda on my iPhone being interviewed on the other side of the world. Modern life is marvellous.

To back the launch of Manifest and for more information follow this link.
