Off to Kent

Off by train to Kent to see Lorraine's parents. Lorraine breaking her usual on-train silence on the journey there to speak to me. Collected by Pat at Ashford station and a lovely afternoon hanging about eating a lovely roast lamb dinner with tons of vegetables.

Maureen draping microwaveable bags of hot things over my back as I happened to tweak it shortly after arrival. Their tropical aquarium well established now, and I was pleased to see Lucky the Betta splendens (Siamese fighting fish) still alive and well.

Studying two photos of Lorraine's grandmother on the walls. They look very like each other.

Home again, a few pages from finishing The Double now. It is an uncomfortable toe-curling experience. I hate reading about humiliation and frustration, and have never been able to finish The Trial by Kafka for the same reason.

Home to watch Chelsea be beaten on Match of the Day by Liverpool. Fernando Torres, who has wandered about the pitch in an abject and aimless fashion all season, chose today to suddenly find his form and bang a couple of fabulous goals in to the goal of the noble Chelsea. An appalling turn of events.
