Bedraggled bairns

Anna had an early business meeting in London, so my Godchildren Oskar and Klaudia had breakfast here this morning. Anna looking both glamorous and businesslike, bringing a bag of cereals and some milk. The bairns raided the pirate box for chocolates dug out their toys, played my guitar, feed the fish, etc. After 40 minutes of this off into the teeth of the gale and rain to school. The children bedraggled when they arrived, and I was happy to get them back indoors. Klaudia not wanting to wear her hood, and skipping along happily in the rain. Oskar less happy with it as we struggled to get his hood on. Found myself pulling his ear by mistake at one point, but Oksar endured this stoically.

Home and work on the Libretto, some French work, and some accountant and bill-paying based admin. Late in the afternoon finished The Double by Dostoevsky, which although interesting ends less well than it started: as if the double scenario has been established, and Dostoevsky wasn't certain how to resolve it. In some ways the whole double idea can be a cul de sac. Then headed to the bookshop. Enjoyed two students in the poetry section pontificating hilariously about literature. There is a kind of pomposity that only the young can get away with, but their excitement about books threw my own fruitless trawl, through several floors for something interesting to read, into sharp relief.

Watching my Frasier DVDs again. A sure sign that winter is coming.
