A discovery

Lorraine slightly under the weather and glum, while I was just tired. After breakfast, however, we took ourselves for a walk by the overcast sea, and felt better for the fresh air and a long chat.

I had worked first thing, however, on the new 'In Praise of Music' piece Matt sent through. Ended up writing some obscure and vaguely religious words for it.

Anna and Anton off to Jersey today to mingle with crapauds.

Lorraine and I may meet them in Sark in a couple of weeks, at the end of their holiday and the beginning of ours. Sark, of course, is in the Bailiwick of Guernsey.

Better yet, returning from our walk, Lorraine played about with the movie camera and found some film of the This concert will fall in love with you which I was convinced had not been saved. Absolutely delighted to have some record of these first events. I will post something here later. Called Matt with the happy news, who said there had been a parade gathering in the street outside his house making huge amounts of noise which prevented him from working.

Saw Inception, a movie about being able to control dreams and influence other people through them. An imaginative and well made movie, although full of bullets and fighting. But visually impressive and well worth seeing, and both of us liked it. Someone took a phone call a third of the way through the film, saying clearly: "Hello. I am in the cinema," which made people laugh.

Happy tonight that I don't have to go to London tomorrow.

Below overcast by the beach.
