Monday: a bloody nightmare

Dismally wondering, during a tiresome day, if the sore throat I have had for two months now is some kind of record. Returned late from work to discover I had been burgled. The burglar gained access by climbing into my garden over the wall and then smashing a window by my table. This caused him to bleed a lot. Blood was thoughtfully wiped over my gold sofa, my bedding, clothes, walls, in my fridge and so on. Things stolen were few, but the worst was my laptop, containing my writing and photos from the last year and a half, much of it stupidly not backed up. The place was in complete turmoil and everything had been pulled out from wardrobes, cupboards etc. So, I was pleased I devoted so much of my hermit-like weekend to tidying up then.

Things improved somewhat when Sandra, an nice forensics lady came and dipped swabs into blood, and took shoeprints and fingerprints. (Apparently there is an excellent chance of arresting the offender.) And she made me laugh talking about her pub conversations... As in what kind of a day did you have a work? Well I was dealing with a maggoty corpse... etc.

Two police women came at a 11:30 and took a statement. After, I wandered about feeling dazed, opting to sleep on my futon, which fortunately was not bloodstained at 3:ooam.

So endeth a day which sucked quite profoundly.
