This afternoon I ventured blinking into the outside world. The sea at Brighton Beach was sparkling and jewel-like. Bought myself a comfortable pair of shoes, as all current footwear are Shoes of Torture (TM First Matie). Also picked up the Emily Carr pictures from the friendly framer, who told me he was off camping in Ashdown Forest at the weekend. I noticed Anton camping about there, when we went for a long walk, despite not bringing a tent with him.

The Carr Prints look very mysterious, especially the one with totem poles.

Will go back to work tomorrow, as four days of man-flu fuelled introspection is enough for anyone. Have been intermittently brooding on my failures: relationships, writing, life etc. etc. etc. And that does you no good at all.

Now reading Andy's book about landmines. Very interesting and readable. An only slightly fictionalised account of his travel around the globe working on mine clearance with the UN. I compare his occupation and mine and feel humbled. It is good that there are people like Andy in the world.

Romy sent me a note today saying that there had been more Settlers of Catan in the depths of Ontario at the weekend. Toby again abandoning the British stiff upper lip and almost destroying the board. Quite pleased I wasn't there for that one. Apparently he won the second came and grew philosophical about other people's outbursts.
