Got out of bed the wrong side today.

First thing was to open the door to the postman who gave me a package containing a teeshirt from a US website called Quantum Muse and "a tip" of 50 cents, which somebody had left through the site having read my story. Ungratefully took out the teeshirt and two quarters fell out, which seemed to be a sign from the Gods that I have a big issue about value and my writing.

Hottest day of the year so far. Walked this morning through Hammersmith cemetery on the way to work. Started taking photos of various angels with missing hands and limbs. Suddenly fascinated by their handless beseeching, or the idea that they cannot grasp the help from above.

Felt tetchy all day. Managed, however, to slope off for a swim at lunchtime. Cats and dogs advert now running on TV. Glad that I have my Buddhist retreat this weekend as I am not feeling at all spiritual or particularly balanced at the moment.

On the way home the tube got stuck in a tunnel for five minutes on the way to Victoria. Stuffy and sauna-like on board in the hot press of bodies, and when half the lights went off I found myself wishing I was a thousand miles away.

Listening to an audiobook by CS Lewis called Till We Have Faces which I am quite enjoying. It was his favourite book apparently, and one I'd not heard of till recently. It is a retelling of the Psyche myth.

Below, handless angels.
