A caesura

A good day for me -- just a couple of bits of admin and a quick query from mes amis in Paris. Otherwise much of the day was a pause -- a caesura if I am being pretentious and why not? --  where I could think about about poetry for I have the bones of a new collection. It's the hope that kills you. This followed by an untroubled afternoon walk listening to Klara and the Sun.

I also attended a zoom reading by my Antony Mair at lunchtime, with Paul Terence Carney and Nancy Hynes. Robin in the zoom crowd. I like Antony and his poems very much and they are full of his own experience and very accomplished. I enjoyed some of Paul's work too. I was unfortunately in the wrong headspace for Nancy. Zoom readings are good because they are so easy to attend, but it is not like attending a real reading. 

Spoke to Anton today. Lorraine home early (for her) from school, and I called Mum, and then we had our usual reward of a Friday night curry and a couple of beers, followed by a watch of The Wire. Lorraine wiped out and off to bed by half nine. I joined her shortly after. 
