A rubbish day

A recycling day today. I got up early and marched off to Lorraine's house where we cleared an area of her back garden of black bags, while her cats milled about excitedly. The bags were covered in variety of slugs, worms, spiders and seasoned with cat poo. Also cleared lots of broken things in my back garden, which were left behind by the plumber. After two cars full, and walking up and down many flights of stairs with heavy things, we both felt very virtuous.

As one closed early, we visited two recycling plants. Both very busy. Something guilty about not being able to recycle everything, and depressing about the built-in redundancy that creates lots of the waste. Things are simply not built to last, nor to be easily fixed. But how would the economy fare if they were? Maybe, I thought later while purchasing a small microwave oven, we'd have to start focusing on important matters and not mindlessly consuming.

I interviewed several people who were trying to promote sustainability last year, however the credit crunch seems to have swept green issues aside as the great angst. But there is an opportunity, in all this change, for greener methods to be adopted.
