Criminal minds

Up early, looked at some more referencing, got down to a healthy chunk of skeleton work only undermined by the cat, who was sulking due to disappointing food options. Really getting into my Thelonious Monk CD, and thinking how jazz is able to convey sheer humour sometimes, without sounding ridiculous. Also reading about Rick Wakeman's two heart attacks when he was 25. He was drinking a fantastic amount and smoking heroically, and managing a high profile career. They made him feel numb, which he attributed to a hangover. Blimey. He seems to be okay now though.

Cooked a pork curry made with various peppers, cloves, cardamoms, chili etc. this evening and Lorraine came by to help me eat it. And because Lorraine loves crime with a psychological element we watched Criminal Minds, which I'd never seen before, about some type of unsmiling but thoughtful cop and his attractive but emotionally retarded sidekicks who fly about in a plane to various parts of the States to solve the crimes of warped personalities in a few hours with a few deaths thrown in for good measure. Now that's a job.
