Drug Bambi

An excellent day working on Skeletons today. The first part of the novel is now is beginning to get there. Had a nice note from Richard in Guernsey saying he loved my Guernsey Anthology proposal, and would support it. An excellent boost.

Went to the gym today for the first time since the suspected food poisoning ghastliness at the beginning of the week. Enjoyed it, and did a fairly good workout. Next week, if I manage to eat less & and go blond, I shall look like Dolph Lundgren within days.

Returned home to do more work, and after typing for an hour or so, stood up in my study to find myself with a birds eye view of a drug deal in the Twitten. Three boys of no more than 17. The dealer carried a variety of gear in a DVD video. One of the clients, a thin polite-looking Bambi of a boy, noticed me standing up by the window and they all scarpered.

Out with Anton and Anna and Lorraine tonight. Another celebration of Lorraine's birthday. It's great to get Anna and Anton out on a Friday night. Anton and I wearing matching jackets, which he found uncomfortable. We tried to get into a Jamie Oliver restaurant, but the wait was too long. So we ended up at our usual curry house, where Lorraine was warmly greeted by Ash the owner, and given a free bottle of wine to celebrate her birthday. Had a good laugh, only o'er sickled for me by managing to drip a profoundly staining Ceylon sauce over my new linen trousers.
