At lunchtime to the passport office in Victoria, and was duly processed. Hate those official places and felt concerned that if I'd not completed the form properly, then the trip to the US would be in trouble. As I handed my old passport over, I overheard this from the next booth.

Passport man: How did you come to this country?
Applicant: I have been in this country six years.
Passport man: No...HOW? ..... HOW? By airplane? By boat? By lorry?
Applicant: Yes, lorry.

Back to work & more mad slogging culminating in the Gnome and me having a long teleconference with the Creative Director in California who seemed very nice.

Meanwhile the agency was making merry at the Christmas Party. I decided to show my face and make an early exit. Four hours of talking everyone's head off, and having mine talked off (say one thing for agency types, they like to talk) I arrived home in Brighton at about 12:30.

I conceived the idea that fish and chips were to be eaten. There no food to speak of at the party. As I was expertly buying these, the fish and chip guy refused a spoon to a rather simple-minded couple as they'd been "causing trouble". I suggested helpfully that it was a matter of human decency for someone to be given a spoon to stir their coffee with, which caused them all to roar at each other. I left them to it, clutching a bag greasy with aromatic goodness.
