Yelping into the briny

A quieter day. I got up early and cleaned up after yesterday. Had breakfast with everyone, and did a little PK stuff, and went to the gym in the afternoon, while Lorraine and Jade were with Beth, and Sam went to Brighton to see a pal.

Late afternoon I joined the ladies for a swim in the sea. First time I'd been in at Seaford. A degree of unmanly yelping at first as it felt rather bracing. Jade said getting into water was worse for men because of their exterior genitals. Beth just slipped in without hesitation. But once I was in I felt fine, and could have stayed in longer than I did, bobbing about with Lorraine, Beth and Jade. Bobbing about you get a different perspective, feeling more part of the sun over Newhaven harbour, and the golden light, blue sky distant downs, Seaford Head and so on.   

Home and feeling hungry, enjoyed chatting with Jade. Sam home late and hungry. And so to bed. 

