Soggy bottom

Lorraine helping Pat and Maureen today and going shopping with them. Picked me up on the way back to carry and move a few bits. They are settling in well. They had been in Paradise Park. Maureen   complaining because she sat in her seat in the cafe and it was wet. She made me feel her bottom to verify the wetness. Pat and Maureen settling in well generally.

Popped over to see Beth and James this evening as they wanted to trial their new barbecue in preparation for next week, when they are hosting James's mum and some of his family. James and I stood brandishing our Y chromosomes over the new barbie, which worked well. At indoors as it was a bit cool. The walls of the living room looking nice in their new soft truffle colour. Mickey the cat springing about. A cheery evening snarfing chicken Beth cooked with peri peri seasoning.


Tiffany said…
I want to share my experience of getting rid of my herpes with no side effects, thanks to Dr. Ajayi. I was diagnosed with herpes 5 years ago and was taking medications, but I wasn't satisfied with the results. I started looking for possible cures and came across a comment about Dr. Ajayi and his herbal medicine. I contacted him, and he guided me through the process. He prepared the herbs, shipped them to me with instructions and dosage, and I took the medicine as prescribed. After a few days, I did a blood test twice, and the results came out negative. I was completely cured of herpes. I am so grateful to Dr. Ajayi for all he did. If you need help with herbal remedies, you can contact him via email at, call/WhatsApp him at +2348119071237, or visit his website