
The day, I thought, of my latest interview. When I chased the publisher's publicity person, she said that they'd not even sent the questions to the poet who I was interviewing at 9am Central time. I sent them a crisp email about this.  But as usual when I send crisp emails, turns out I was the buffoon, having got the day completely wrong. Somehow as all the correspondence had the 22 August in the subject line, I'd forgotten this was the launch date, and not when I had agreed to interview the poet, which was 11 September.  Quite a startling mistake, and not like me, also a bit peeving as I had push myself to get it all done in time. However, now all the preparation is done, I can relax until I interview the poet next month.

This let the steam out of the day. And I worked calmly on a short job for Val, having decided a while ago that I would turn work aside, except for my favourite client. It a fun mind-mappy thing anyway, proposing taglines for a portfolio of new animal medications. Also caught up a bit with some poetry stuff, and sought some advice from Charlotte. 

Lorraine had spent most of the day with Pat and Maureen helping them get sorted. I cooked this evening. Have been feeling a bit wan and tired this week, so a quiet night on the gold sofa was perfect.
