To Edgware

Back up to London. The train wouldn't start again at Seaford, but then all well, and a good journey, unremarkable other than a dog leaning with heavy fondness on me and licking my hand in one train. Got to Mum's exactly at 12:20 and after a cup of tea and a chat, and we sorted out a couple of bits like reloading Facebook on her iPad and sitting a heavy pot back on its feet etc. Her new wifi working well, although she doesn't like the little phones so much. We looked at a few old photos and then made off in the car, now parked outside on the newly-tarmacked street as the old disabled markings are gone, so she can park outside her own house without being given a ticket by Kafkaesque parking wardens. 

To the Waggon on a fine, but coolish day. A few of the folks in the corner, all saying hello to us, especially Mum. The Bailiff guy was in, with two dogs which he told to sit on two chairs and they did, all the time he was there, even when he had to go out to move his chair. When we left they asked if Mum was going to join them, and one said the table has been polished for dancing, joking about what Mum gets up to when I'm not around. Mum said she goes out every day otherwise she doesn't speak to anyone. This weekend she is seeing Robert and possibly Tanya, and Emma and Gail in the street have invited her round for wine on Sunday.

Fond farewells, and then I mooched off to Mill Hill. A dire homeward journey, including being on a broken down train. 

A big weary by the time I got home. Sat happily on the gold sofa, however, and enjoyed a veggie curry Lorraine had cooked. Lorraine had seen Dawn this afternoon, which was nice. Early to bed.

Below took a photo of Mum. A difficult business because she pulls so many faces, you have to wait patiently for those to abate and then seize your moment. Two well behaved dogs.


Tiffany said…
I want to share my experience of getting rid of my herpes with no side effects, thanks to Dr. Ajayi. I was diagnosed with herpes 5 years ago and was taking medications, but I wasn't satisfied with the results. I started looking for possible cures and came across a comment about Dr. Ajayi and his herbal medicine. I contacted him, and he guided me through the process. He prepared the herbs, shipped them to me with instructions and dosage, and I took the medicine as prescribed. After a few days, I did a blood test twice, and the results came out negative. I was completely cured of herpes. I am so grateful to Dr. Ajayi for all he did. If you need help with herbal remedies, you can contact him via email at, call/WhatsApp him at +2348119071237, or visit his website