Sam and Jade arrive

Sent off my amendments to Hamish Whyte this morning, just like a real writer. Also email with Charlotte, we are going to do a conversational interview for the Understory blog. 

Lorraine and I then in a tidying and hoovering the house frenzy for a few hours, and also zoomed off to the supermarket. 

In the evening Lorraine and I popped off to the Pump Barn at Exceat, just by Friston Forest where there was an art show featuring Adele and Palo among others from the last minute artists group. The room was full of friends, and we had picked up Debbie, one of the book club posse, and Patrick en route. Brian and Yvonne, Deana and John, several local artists that I have spoken to. Lorraine and I chatted with Palo too, and was very flattered by Palo asking me to open the Seaford Arts Club exhibition later in the month, which took me zero seconds to agree to. It was a great scene there in the private view, lots of folks a slightly jazzy band, a lovely room with a wee bar in the corner. 

We made off fairly early though, as Sam and Jade were just about to arrive, having been driven down at some speed from Basingstoke by James. Beth and James had met them for Symons family gathering. Lovely to see them, and to hang out although they were a bit shattered after a long day of socialising and travelling. Sam looking very fit and healthy, and Jade as lovely as ever. A happy evening.

