Nice plums

Did some good writing first thing, but then decided I needed to get  away from my desk, and cut a hedge, ands trimmed the edges of the lawn and so on for a while. Lorraine happily joining me. At least a couple of hours of this sort of thing. Very calming and nice, and Lorraine doing all kinds of wonders clearing out the caterpillar farm of a raised bed. The luxury of a short doze, before Beth and James around for supper to see Pat and Maureen. Hopefully this will be the first of many. Maureen on fine form this evening and telling funny stories. Beth telling us about rehearsing Vagabond Skies. All exciting stuff.

Spoke to Mum, who had been to the W&H at lunchtime with Ben. He had been trapped in his house and unable to get his van out for work due to the resurfacing work. Mum, who had cunningly parked around the corner outside her friends' house, drove them off for lunch. Waleed at the W&H asked her how many boyfriends she has.

Some of our plums, from the sapling we planted shortly after moving in. They were as sweet and delicious as they look. Nothing like picking fruit and eating it instantly.
