
Up and finalising my questions for my next interview which took a lot of work and thinking. I sent them off to Danez Smith's publishers with the link to chat on Thursday. Was pleased to get this finished, as the preparation on this interview has taken ages, and I still feel a bit underprepared.

Spoke to Mum this morning as it would have been Mason's ninetieth birthday and he came to my mind several times during the day. 

In the afternoon off with Lorraine to Stratheden Court, took some of Pat and Maureen's things and did a spot of cleaning, although the flat had been left clean and in excellent condition. Then to Morrisons, which was crowded but with a shortage of checkout people, which Lorraine talked to a manager who shrugged it off and said there were no people.

Home and Lorraine cooked up a lovely mild chicken curry. A quiet night for me, though Lorraine off at book club. We are off to Ashford tomorrow to oversee the movers and pick up a few bits. 

 Below another view from Pat and Maureen's apartment.
