That raving -- senseless -- insane fairy tale

Other than clean a bit of weed out of the pond, and do a bit of laundry, and cook and nip to Tescos I spent the bulk of the day quietly reading. Finished The Sandman by E.T.A. Hoffmann, which was quite intriguing. No wonder Freud liked it, although his idea that it was all about fear of castration seemed to me far fetched. Also reading the excellent Bluff by Danez Smith, who I should be interviewing next week.  I am also opening the Seaford Art Society exhibition tomorrow, and choosing the winners.  Messaged Palo, who has been at home with Covid, but will be released back into the wild tomorrow. 

Calliope slept with me last night, and didn't get off the bed till 4pm. I will get her antibiotics on Monday, as the vet suggested yesterday. Missing Lorraine who is still in Ashford busy helping Pat and Maureen pack. They will all be back here tomorrow.

This bit from The Sandman which made me laugh. I posted it on Facebook and Yvonne said it sounded like me and Lorraine, which is cheeky.
