More questions than answers

Up to London with Lorraine, she was off to a reunion of her cohort of nurses from the London Hospital, and I went up to see Mum. After a bit of chatting we zoomed off to a very lively Waggon and Horses, where we drank some cider and had lunch. Mum loves it when it's like that. Steve and Paul and the other guys at the bar, laughing and there was a part of a wedding party with the young women dressed in gorgeous colourful south asian clothes, and blokes of those Indian silk shirts, matched with tattoos for an unusual look. 

Home again for cups of tea, and then after a fond farewell I caught the bus Mill Hill Broadway station, but instead stayed on it till I reached Finchley. Here to do a bit of mooching about in Gordon Road, where my paternal grandparents lived, and where I was looked after during the day when mum was at work. I have some patchy memories of this time, and I was hoping that by visiting the street, I would have my memory triggered. A nearby footpath felt lined by trees and bushes with water running down the side of it (currently dry but clearly recently wet) was familiar to me.  No big ah-ha moments, but all useful data. It was actually a really nice street and surrounding area. Parakeets being noisy, and at the bottom of the road, there is a fence and, through it, some allotments. Apples just lying on the pavement. There are always more questions than answers, especially when you don't know what you're looking for.

Then back to Mill Hill, hopping on the bus, and into town. Went to Cote on St Catherine's dock near the Tower of London, and there was a long table with Lorraine and lots of former nurse mates, and a scatting of husbands. I sat on the end with Chris and Chris two of her besties from that time, and Fiona and Ann. The nurses I spoke to were lovely though, but with a hint of steeliness to them too that they were capable of getting to grips with difficult situations.

Lorraine having a really good time, which I was pleased about, as she had felt oddly apprehensive about it before hand, but was having a lovely time. I enjoyed chatting to the two Chrises and two other friends that were there, but after cider with mum and lots of walking later, I felt a bit braindead, and drank only one mild mannered beer, and a decaf before we sloped off. The nurses all staying in the same place, a very happening and fun St Catherine's Dock, a lively Indian Wedding party celebrating and dancing in the club by the hotel. The Tower hotel huge but the rooms were fine. Gratefully crept into the room with Lorraine and happy to slink onto the bed, and snooze. The London night sky looking rather beautiful out of the window. 

Below a pathway near the bottom of Gordon Road, called Lovers Lane. And the end of an alleyway on a side street that leads to the back of the house I think it is. Timidly enough, I didn't go down it because of looking like a burglar.
